Free Accounting Software for Non-Profit: Does It Even Exist?

Free Accounting Software for Non-Profit: Does It Even Exist?

If you are operating any kind of business or NGO you really need some kind of accounting software to stay on top of your accounting and Bookkeeping because the age-old system of throwing everything into a drawer and panicking at tax return time isn't the best option for you.

Non-profit organizations like NGOs are always looking for accounting software to take care of their accounting for free, due to their non-profit making system.

Unfortunately, Non-profit organizations and business owners looking for completely free accounting software will be disappointed because there’s no specific nonprofit accounting software that’s available for free anywhere in the world. There are no free things even in Freetown, lol. Accounting software is created so that the company that created it will make money from it, so how will they pay bills, pay staffs and other expenses when the software is free? You can get free trial for few days, weeks or one month, but it can't be totally free. So, you won’t be able to access fund accounting or nonprofit accounting terminology with any free accounting software you find.

Nonetheless, if you’re starting out with absolutely no budget at all for your nonprofit accounting software, consider Wave accounting software. Wave is one of the very few truly free accounting software options: You will be able to connect your accounts, track income and expenses, and invite unlimited guest collaborators, invoice customers, and send receipts for no cost at all.

You’ll also be able to receive donations and payments directly through Wave Payments, but you’ll have to pay-per-use with this feature: Credit card processing will cost 2.9% of the payment amount, plus $0.30. ACH bank payments will cost you less—just 1% of the payment.

So any online accounting software company telling you that their package is free at zero cost might be deceiving you or it might be a marketing strategy to make you get their software and use it for free for a period before the start paying. Always know that there is no free accounting software for nonprofits anywhere in the world.
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